Embarking on an extraordinary collaboration with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Eichholtz's Chief Creative Officer, Edwin van der Gun, and Eichholtz's design team were granted unprecedented access to delve into the museum's galleries and select artworks that laid the foundation for a new collection. The Met x Eichholtz - an exquisite assemblage which marries heritage with luxury; we are immensely proud to unveil it.
For an entire year, Eichholtz's team roamed through the museum's hallowed halls, exploring archives and studying the artefacts. This exclusive access allowed to design a collection that goes beyond aesthetics; it encapsulates the very essence of history, artistry, and culture. The privilege of touching pieces, understanding their structure and materiality felt like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—one that has profoundly shaped our approach to craftsmanship.
The Met x Eichholtz collection boasts 40 art reproductions, featuring elegant statues meticulously crafted in fine materials such as bronze, brass, and marble. Each piece pays homage to the techniques and cultures of the past, placing a paramount emphasis on authenticity. Through a close collaboration with The Met's design team, skilled artisans have handcrafted each piece, marked with the distinguished The Met x Eichholtz logo on its base.
What sets this collection apart is its seamless integration with the existing Eichholtz collections. Aesthetically and atmospherically connected, these pieces seamlessly fit into a wide variety of luxury interiors. While The Met x Eichholtz range serves as a homage to history and culture, it remains rooted in the core values of simplicity, elegance, and the luxurious lifestyle—a signature aesthetic that defines every Eichholtz collection.
Join us on this journey through time, where heritage meets contemporary living, and experience the charm of The Met x Eichholtz collection - a celebration of art, culture, and the enduring spirit of luxury.
Let us guide you through the rich tapestry of history with The Met x Eichholtz - a captivating collection inspired by over 5,000 years of artistic legacy showcased at the prestigious institution. Consisting of nearly 100 unique products, each piece is a testament to exquisite craftsmanship, meticulously designed to narrate the stories of ancient civilizations through to the contemporary era. Eichholtz's creative vision and modern interpretation infuse a sense of luxury, making each creation an ideal complement to the sophisticated aesthetics of the modern lifestyle.